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  • ONS hires Angie Stengel, CAE, as executive director of Oncology Nursing Foundation.  
  • The Oncology Nursing Podcast reaches 1 million downloads! 
  • Then–ONS President Danya Garner, PhD, RN, NPD-BC, OCN®, CCRN, and ONS CEO Brenda Nevidjon, RN, MSN, FAAN, present at President Biden’s Cancer Panel. 
  • Six oncology-focused professional and patient organizations, including ONS, published the Oncology Navigation Standards of Professional Practice for use in professional oncology navigation care. With input from many major navigation-focused professions, the standards guide best practices for care providers across cancer settings.  
  • ONS launches the Learning Extension Activities Plan (LEAP) to help faculty members teach oncology to nursing students. 
  • ONS releases the first-of-its-kind Biomarker Database, a clinical decision support (CDS) tool that connects clinical professionals to information about therapeutic options for certain cancers and their associated biomarkers. 
  • ONS On-Demand™ reaches more than 100 institutions. 
  • ONCC is rebranded and receives a new logo. 
Purple letters ONCC with text underneath saying "Oncology Nursing Certification Corporation"

ONS’s first building – 701 Washington Road, Mount Lebanon, PA 

Street view of a light tan and reddish brown building with larger numbers on the front reading 701

1973: The first National Cancer Nursing Research Conference is held.

Scanned image of aged, yellowed document with typed text of the first cancer nursing newsletter

1971: President Richard Nixon signs the National Cancer Act, which establishes national cancer research centers and national cancer control programs.6 

  • National Cancer Institute researchers demonstrate that combination chemotherapy induces partial and complete remissions and prolongs survival in children and adults with acute leukemia.4 
  • Edith Wolf (far right, with glasses), an early founder of ONS, participates in St. John's University Nurses Congress, "Changing Times."


Black and white aged image of four women sitting at a desk smiling toward the camera, a chalk board in the background

1950: Katherine Nelson teaches a cancer nursing course to the first class of Black public health nurses at the University of North Carolina.

Black and white aged image of a classroom with African American female students sitting in chairs as Caucasian female, Katherine Nelson, teaches at the front of the class

1949: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approves nitrogen mustard (mechlorethamine) for the treatment of cancer.


February 1947: Katherine Nelson, an early founder of ONS, teaches the first university course in cancer nursing in the United States at Memorial Hospital for Cancer and Allied Diseases in New York, NY.1 

Black and white aged image of crowded room with women sitting in chairs
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