Educational Integrity Statement
We value the integrity of our programs and services, which closely support our organizational vision. In turn, we ask every learner to adhere to the principles of educational integrity. Accountability for educational integrity is the responsibility of the participant.
Activities that have the effect or intention of interfering with education, pursuit of knowledge, or fair evaluation of a learner’s performance are prohibited. These shall include but are not limited to
- Copying answers from another person
- Giving, asking for, or receiving answers to test items (questions)
- Sharing, discussing, or disclosing test items (questions) in any format, including verbally before, during or after participating in the course
- Reproducing test items (questions) in any format, including printing a test for any purpose
- Willfully offering test items (questions) to or taking test items (questions) from another
- Having an unauthorized person complete an exam or evaluation on your behalf
- Possessing or using unauthorized materials or equipment during an examination
- Using technology and electronic devices to share unauthorized information (text messaging, cell phone cameras, email messages, etc.)
- Unlawfully possessing any ONS or ONCC testing materials or property belonging to ONS or ONCC
- Aiding another in committing an act of educational dishonesty
- Falsifying documents, including forgery and altering or being accessory to changing or altering of any ONS or ONCC documentation, such as, but not limited to, certificates of attendance or other verification of program completion
- Falsely reporting the completion of an activity.
ONS is proactive when dealing with issues of educational integrity. Anyone who is believed to have altered documentation with respect to particular programs or services may be indefinitely prohibited from participating in future ONS programs. ONS reserves the right to deny or revoke credit. ONS further reserves the right to make a determination with respect to this issue in its sole discretion without recourse by the applicant.