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Thalidomide for Anorexia

Thalidomide was used in the 1960s as an anxiolytic and antiemetic agent for pregnant women and was withdrawn from use because of its teratogenic effects. Because of its antiangiogenic properties, it has resurfaced as an antineoplastic drug and currently is indicated for the treatment of multiple myeloma.Thalidomide reduces the production of tumor necrosis factor alpha.

Progestins for Anorexia

Progestins are synthetic hormones that stimulate progesterone. Progestin is a type of steroid structure and is the main component of contraceptive medications. Progestins have been evaluated alone and in combination with other medications for their effect in patients with cancer for anorexia, chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting, hot flashes, and fatigue.

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Oral Nutritional Interventions for Anorexia

Oral nutritional interventions involve the provision of dietary advice or education with or without dietary modification or nutritional supplements. Nutritional supplements included in this type of intervention are those involving general protein-calorie supplements and multiple combinations of vitamins, minerals, and other compounds. Specific herbal supplements and some highly specific supplements such as carnitine and individual vitamins are considered as separate interventions.

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