
A Visual Case-Oriented Analysis of Stress-Related Symptoms in Caregivers of Allogeneic Bone Marrow Transplantation Recipients

Kelly Tan

Barbara Fredrickson

Hudson Santos Jr.

William Wood

Todd A. Schwartz

Deborah K. Mayer

cancer, caregivers, positive emotion, stress, symptom
ONF 2022, 49(6), 541-551. DOI: 10.1188/22.ONF.541-551

Objectives: To describe trends in caregiver stress and stress-related symptoms (anxiety, depression, fatigue, and sleep disturbance) across 12 weeks post-transplantation.

Sample & Setting: 11 caregivers were recruited from a National Cancer Institute–designated comprehensive cancer center’s bone marrow transplantation (BMT) outpatient clinic in the southeastern United States.

Methods & Variables: A visual case-oriented analysis was conducted on data from 11 caregivers’ weekly self-reported data to identify trends after allogeneic BMT.

Results: The authors identified three primary trends as follows: U-shaped (highest symptoms at start of transplantation and end of study; n = 3), negatively sloped (highest symptoms at beginning of transplantation and decreasing over time; n = 2), and V-shaped predischarge (highest symptoms at start of transplantation and right before discharge home; n = 4). Two caregivers did not have postdischarge data because of patient death prior to study completion.

Implications for Nursing: Caregivers may benefit from additional support to manage their stress-related symptoms at the start of transplantation and just before discharge.

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