Knowledge Central

Knowledge Central

Patricia Ringos Beach

ethical issues, ethics, multidisciplinary, multidisciplinary care
ONF 2013, 40(5), 517-518. DOI: 10.1188/13.ONF.517-518

Providing excellent reading about a physician's experiences on the complex interrelationships among healthcare providers, patients, and the American healthcare system, Brawley and Goldberg give the reader a wealth of information from a cadre of sources solidifying the need for healthcare reform. This book illuminates how care rendered by the medical community may place patients in harm's way when driven by the financial interests of the physician, pharmaceutical industry, and insurance entities. Gaps and inequities in the delivery and quality of care are revealed. Oncology cases illustrate how too much treatment or lack of treatment may both result in early death when operating in the current health system. The readings are interesting, informative, well-written for the layman and professional, and supported by strong scientific data. Patient and public policy advocacy, along with healthcare system transformation, are recurrent themes noted throughout the text.

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