
Australian Experience of Neuro-Oncology Care Coordination: A Conversation

Alanah Bailey

Wafa Trad

Marina Kastelan

Scott Lamont

neuro-oncology, brain tumor, cancer nursing, care coordination, patient navigation
CJON 2015, 19(5), 610-614. DOI: 10.1188/15.CJON.610-614

Background: The role of care coordinator was introduced to support patients, caregivers, and healthcare professionals who work within a specialty, as well as to optimize and standardize care. Specifically, the role of neuro-oncology care coordinator is a developing one—and one that has encountered various barriers and difficulties. Patients diagnosed with neurologic cancer must endure a disease trajectory and multimodal treatment approach that present unique challenges to themselves and to the healthcare system. Consequently, the care coordinator role is needed.

Objectives: This article focuses on the role of the neuro-oncology care coordinator, including its challenges, the needs of patients with neurologic cancer, and the benefits this role can bring.

Methods: Three neuro-oncology care coordinators from New South Wales, Australia, discussed their role in the healthcare system via structured meetings, conversations, and email correspondence.

Findings: Making others aware of the issues faced by neuro-oncology care coordinators, as well as their patients, may help to solidify necessary supportive roles within the healthcare system.

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