
A Scandinavian Point of View: Caring for Patients With Sarcoma Across Boundaries

Charlott Vade

Stine Næss

sarcoma, patient outcomes, collaboration, Scandinavia, nurses, physiotherapists
CJON 2018, 22(3), 357-359. DOI: 10.1188/18.CJON.357-359

Sarcomas are rare connective tissue malignancies. Patients and their families often experience many challenging problems during the cancer journey. Professionals working in this complex landscape need to collaborate to optimize patient outcomes.


  • The Scandinavian Sarcoma Group (SSG) was formed in 1979 to facilitate collaboration. Subsequently, SSG for Nurses and Physiotherapists was established as a subcommittee of SSG in 2007.
  • The SSG for Nurses and Physiotherapists’ accomplishments include development of a preceptorship for Scandinavian nurses, a community awareness program, and an international sarcoma nurses and allied professionals group.
  • Because of the low incidence of sarcomas in Scandinavia, collaboration across borders is important.
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